Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a simple yet profound hatha yoga tradition that was taught by Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009) for more than 70 years in his home in Mysore, India. Ashtanga is a daily practice synchronizing the breath with a series of asana or postures. This process produces internal heat or tapas allowing the body to be purified through sweating resulting in better circulation, a calm mind, and a supple body.
Mysore is named after the city in India; where this practice originates. The co-founders Krishnamacharya & K. Pattabhi Jois est. it in 1932 using breath, bandha, mudra, & dristhi. You work at your own pace, the teacher provides tailored instruction, giving postures, answering questions, & giving hands on adjustments when necessary. No need to keep up with others in the room since it is an individual practice similar to one doing a kata in martial arts in a customized way. The same postures are repeated each time you can memorize the sequence giving you a practice to take home with you or wherever you roam on Mother Earth.